Our buildings are ideal for cockroaches because they provide food, water, warmth and shelter. You will probably have a problem with the prolific German Cockroach.
If you see the German Cockroach during the day or in areas where there is no food available such as bedrooms then you may have enormous populations.
To get in touch with us, simply call 0410 454 105 and our friendly staff will take your details.

What we do to treat cockroaches..


We will carry out a survey and report our findings.


We will apply special bait which is licensed and formulated for Cockroach control. This is very safe for you and your children and pets. The bait is applied to out of reach places for your added peace of mind.


We may apply dust to your roof void, subfloor and in your wall cavities.

Surface Spray

We may apply a special surface spray which is licensed and formulated for Cockroach control. This is applied to the perimeter of your home or building.

Cockroaches can…

Spread disease by transporting bacteria and organisms from sewers and other unsanitary sources to food and food handling surfaces and utensils.

Seriously harm the reputation of a business. The appearance of Cockroaches in the public areas of a business can cause a huge loss of goodwill. Even your staff can find the presence of Cockroaches quite repulsive.

Contaminate food with their droppings, their dead casts (outer skeleton) discarded Cockroach egg cases even dead Cockroaches and vomit marks.

Cause unpleasant odours due to secretions from their mouths and outer shell. These are particularly severe when large populations are present.

Signs of Cockroach Activity Include:

Cockroach droppings resemble pepper and larger droppings of around 2mm can have ridges along their sides and have blunt ends



Cockroaches cast off their outer body or skeleton during their life and you may notice these in various areas around your home or building.


Spoilt Food

Cockroaches will eat food that has not been properly stored and vomit back onto the food.

What you can do with our flea help and advice

You can reduce food and water available to Cockroaches. Even small pockets of moisture can keep Cockroaches nearby as they can go without food for over a month. One way you can help is to avoid keeping rubbish indoors overnight.



We can advise you on ways you can help to proof your home against Cockroach entry. This may include simple measures such as fixing mesh over holes to prevent Cockroach entry and to seal cracks and crevices.



Ensure regular stock rotation and also inspect incoming food stock.



Ensure food is stored above the ground and clear of walls.



Ensure your garbage is kept secure and locked.

Call us or enquire online for a free pest control quote