Smithfield Termite & Pest Control is your local mice control experts. Our techs servicing the area are experienced, fully trained, and insured. You can trust the Smithfield Termite & Pest Control name to help you with any pest problem. Mice are one of the most common pests that people will spot in their homes. All Sydney homes will have these little rodents come and visit them at some time throughout the year.

If you need to get in touch with us, simply call 0410 454 105 and our friendly staff will take your details.

Smithfield Termite & Pest Control – the experts in mice control


Mice control has come a long way in the past few years. Pest controllers are developing a deeper understanding of why they may invade homes.

It is an important part of any mouse control program to know why they are entering the building.

If you don’t fully understand what is attracting them, nobody will be able to establish effective control.

Your local Smithfield Termite & Pest Control technician knows where the vermin are likely to enter a building. During an inspection they are likely to find areas that you have not thought about.

Our technicians will have a great understanding of why the mice are there in the first place. They are likely to make suggestions on what you can do to help the situation.

This is why so many people call Smithfield Termite & Pest Control for our expert advice and proven treatments.

What you can do to help reduce mice

There are often things that clients can do to help reduce their mice problem. Some of these things may include:

1. Seal up around entrance points in kitchens

2. Put all food into air tight containers

3. Remove any food scraps before going to bed

4. Pet food should be removed at night and stored in a mouse proof container

Your local Smithfield Termite & Pest Control technician will likely suggest these as well other ideas which may relate specifically to your site.

Cockroaches represent a smorgasbord for mice

Did you know that mice are predators of cockroaches?

Many people think these rodents only eat grains and cereal to survive. However as any Smithfield Termite & Pest Control technician knows they will actually relish eating cockroaches.

Clients with cockroach infestations are usually quite shocked to find out they have a mouse infestation as well. It is very common for our technicians to see both pests in the one site.

Mice love to eat cockroaches and Sydney is well known for cockroaches. Big American cockroaches love to live in subfloors, roof voids and drains. To a mouse this is an endless smorgasbord of tasty food.

Smithfield Termite & Pest Control will very quickly get on top of any mouse problems.

Mice can…

1. Spread disease to humans via their droppings or urine.

2. Spread sickness and death via parasites such as fleas and intestinal worms.

3. Cause extensive physical damage to doors, skirting boards, books, food containers and upholstery.

4. Spoil and Contaminate food with their droppings, urine or fur.

Call us or enquire online for a free pest control quote