Are possums causing you a problem? Smithfield Termite & Pest Control safe possum removal service is the solution you are looking for! Possums are nocturnal, thus are most active during our sleeping hours. When possums live in your roof they may damage insulation, chew electrical wiring, or contaminate the area with their urine and faeces. They can also make a horrible racket.

If you need to get in touch with us, simply call 0410 454 105 and our friendly staff will take your details.

Our possum removal service


We neither catch nor trap possums. Possums are territorial and if caught can only be released within 50 metres of the structure. Unless you address the problem in the structure, and fix the entry point, the possums can, and probably will, quickly return.

Smithfield Termite & Pest Control local technicians are dedicated to providing an eco-friendly possum removal service in Sydney suburbs and regional NSW.

Our service includes inspecting your home for entry points, ensuring all possums are removed, and repairing your building back to its original condition. Also, being part of the famous Smithfield Termite & Pest Control, you know we are a brand you can trust.

What you can do with our possum help and advice

Access: If you can assist to identify entry points to you property. Where possible remove branches or structures that provide access.

What you can do with our possum help and advice

Damage your roof tiles/tin

Damage facias and eves

Chew electrical wiring

Defecate in you building roof/wall cavities

Nest in your roof

Call us or enquire online for a free pest control quote